Thursday, July 10, 2003

This bloody war..

When will it end... What? It's finished? Would you 'Adam & Eve' it? Anyone would think that the war's still on with all the column inches dedicated to it. So they may never find WMD. In fact they are speculating on if in fact the WMD existed in the first place.

What kind of flimsy BS is 'Through the Prism of 9-11'? Has the World gone mad? Is this not a case of major 'wank' like a badly concluded undergraduate essay written at four in the morning under the influence of speed, caffeine, nicotine and most importantly LSD. The only WMD that Rumsfeld has been party to witness are those that he gazes at in the morning after, i.e. his own friggin eyes!

Sorry but it does not take a degree in international relations to understand that the US/UK were the aggressors in a fruitless War, and one which importantly is not over. It may never end.. And In a way I hope that it never does, I hope that the Whitehouse cronies see WMD in their own reflections for ever, coz these are the only demons that truly exist!

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