Thursday, March 18, 2004

So here we have it... The most lasting images of a place are often the most unexpected ones and this little 'friend' though unexpected has come to symoblise some of the interesting moments during my stay at Apollo Bay in Australia..This picture was taken while I was sleepily making my way into the bathroom...Its a lovely image, one which I shall cherish for a long time..Yeesh! Ok so now I have your attention, (as I know that like me, you would not really be delighted to be confronted with this image for real) I can begin.. However, rest assured the huntsman spider is not one of the more deadly multitude of poisonous creatures in Australia - a bite from her might result in some vomiting, headache and localised swelling, phew that's ok then.

I was reassured that this spider was simply seeking warmth from an impending storm (incidentally, its spider sense was working overtime as the storm hit a day or two later). However, as a whimpish pom it was a constant source of amusement for my girlfriend that I would squirm at the sight of this little beauty. So typically this image is a good entry point for my little photoblog of Oz so enjoy...

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