Monday, July 19, 2004

I read over the weekend that Barclays Bank have decided to close down the bank accounts held in the name of the BNP. This was as a result of the recent 'Secret Agent' television programme aired last week on BBC one. Now it looks as though the CPS would like to charge some BNP members under the racially aggravated public offences and racially aggravated harassment. The power of television huh? Is this investigative documentary/journalism at its best? I wonder how this will impact on the organisation and resolve of the BNP.. Will they perhaps turn into a secretive 'cult' like organisation reminiscent of other doomsday cults like Aum Shinrikyo; who at first tried to register as a religion, and then as a political party turning eventually to violent terror? Actually I was thinking that I may be over-playing this idea somewhat. That was until I strayed on to the BNP Website. Their publication 'Vanguard', distributed from an address with the first line of 'Excalibur', covers such topics as 'An introduction to Runes' and 'The Celtic Cross'  and makes numerous references to the ancient peoples of the North Atlantic Islands. It ends by making and appeal to aid the 'genetic inevitability' of the fertile native population. With an ideology so firmly based in mythology how can the BNP possibly label itself as a political party? It surely belongs in the 'New Religious Movements' category alongside other cults such as the Moonies and Scientology.


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