Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Handy Man

Normally when there is a delay in my posting, its due to laziness, or extreme busyness on my part. But this time, I have a good excuse. Last week I broke my right hand. The story surrounding the event is one which I shall not recount now, suffice to say I was not too happy about the result..

Anyway one week on, and I have had the plaster taken off, but remain in a semi-one handed state, with my little pinkie and ring finger being taped down at 90degrees into my palm. Therefore half my hand is in a permanent angry fist shape, the other half is 'free' to help out with old lefty's sudden increase in responsibility.

I have managed to : Shave one handed, put my socks on, do my jeans up, shower, etc. But there are many things that I have not been to do including, being able to type effectively. I was reduced to left hand typing. But I now have a renewed respect for my left hand! Its amazing how quickly ones body adjusts to compensate! So please congratulate your bodies on being what they are!

So anyway, I'm on the mend, and I have realised that I can't take my body for granted anymore.. I'm going to treat it with the respect it deserves. After all its mine to hold, in sickness and in health till death do us part....

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