Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Today I ruminated on the reasons for 'blogging' with a work colleague after seeing the danger of such an activity. I mean its a pretty sad way of releasing / enforcing thoughts to a large audience. Is there any reason, seeing as the chances of anyone reading this and feeling a necessity to comment is rather slim. I suppose its for one's own reasons that one decides to share their thoughts with the internet. On the other hand there is the too serious

Anyway, I have been thinking about changing the reasons for this particular 'blog' after seeing the potential pitfalls. I suppose I shall use this a repository of ideas, and archive of my time slot. In the scheme of things I shall find that there is not much validity in writing aimlessly into space?? Having said that, the very process of understanding that in is not just un-inhabited textual domain, means that there is a slight risk of someone reading this. I haven’t exactly circulated this amongst my mates. I will have to simply see what happens.

Here is something that is pertinent to my current mindset. I am trying to juggle a life of work and a life of study. I find it really difficult to motivate myself to study after a hard days work!! I have tried everything, solitude, library visits, sleep, getting up extra early!! Nothing seems to work. CAN anyone help?? (I don't actually expect an answer, see above ).

Currently I feel that I have to simply 'trick' myself, by getting down to reading before the tiredness sets in. Anyway, this is sounding like the worst type of logging.....!
So just in case you have stumbled across this site by accident: here is something else

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